According to YouTube, the best channel art size is 2560 pixels wide by x 1440 pixels tall. There are however other sizing requirements to keep in mind. These include:
While using the 2560px by 1440px size ensures your channel art will fit properly on a TV screen, you also need to worry about how your channel art will look on desktops, tablets and mobile phones.
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According to Facebook, your cover photo displays at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on computers and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones.
This is a great starting point, but of course it’s never quite that simple. It’s tricky because your Facebook cover displays differently on mobile and desktop devices.
Therefore, it is
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Twitter’s recommended guidelines for header images.
Here’s the problem…
Even if you follow these guidelines, your header image may not look right after you’ve uploaded it. That’s because you need to account for your profile picture and the “invisible area”.
In reality, the recommended Twitter header dimensions actually look like this:
Here’s a screenshot of a cover photo with my resolution at full width:
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